Thursday, May 29, 2014

MicroProcessor And MicroController

In This Subjects Students will Learn about Microprocessor 8085 which is made by Intel and also Microcontroller 8051 and about Programming of 8085 Microprocessor and 8051 microprocontroller programming..Microprocessor Doesnt have Ram,Rom and other peripherals on the chip while microcontroller has Ra.Rom and Other Peripherals on the chip.

Reference Books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture and Programming and Applications with the 8085, R.S. Gaonkar,
PRI (3rd Edition)
2. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems by M. A. Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D.
McKinlay, Pearson Education.
3. William Stallings, “Computer Organisation and Architecture” ( 4th Edition ) - PHI, 1998.

Notes Download :
All MPMC Notes Download-Here


8085 Programs
1. Simple 8-bit and 16-bit addition and subtraction
2. Transfer a block of data from one location to another.
3. Find the largest/smallest of the numbers stored at one location.
4. Addition of 10 numbers.
5. Multiplication of 8-bit and 16-bit numbers.
6. Sorting of numbers.
7. BCD addition
8. Division
9. Find GCD and LCM of two numbers
10.Swapping a block of data

8051 Programs
1. To search a number from a given set of numbers. The end of the data is indicated by 00.
2. Finding the average of signed numbers.
3. Multiplication of signed numbers.
4. Convert the BCD 0111 0101 number to two binary numbers and transfer this number to registers.
5. To find y where y = x2 + 2x + 5 and x is between 0 and 9.
6. Write a program to show the use of the BIT directive.
7. Write a program to find the number of zeros in register R2
8. Write a program to check if the accumulator is divisible by 8.
9. To check whether a character string is a palindrome or not.
10.To check the number is prime or not.

You can Download The Software And Programs For MicroProcessor 8085 From Here 

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