Microprocessor 8085 Simulator Software Kit is aimed to be a proper substitute of Microprocessor 8085 Simulator Hardware Kit. A microprocessor communicates and operates in the binary 0s and 1s, called bits. Each microprocessor has a fixed set of instructions in the binary patterns called a machine language. However it is difficult to remember for human to communicate in the language of 0s and 1s. Microprocessor 8085 Hardware Kit accepts hexadecimal codes from users and executes to give the output which is much easier to remember and implement. Later assembly language is introduced in this purpose. The binary instructions are given abbreviated names, called mnemonics, which form the assembly language for a given microprocessor. Our software accepts codes written in hexadecimal codes as well as it supports assembly language code in a user friendly interface.
Functionality Of The Program
1. The software have a Code Editing interface, where user can have following facilities to enter code:
- User can enter code through mnemonics.
- User can enter code through Hexadecimal codes.
- User can also put comments on the program.
- There will be a sub-section where user can enter data according to the memory locations.
2. The software have a two way code Conversion section, where user can have following facilities: code:
- User can convert the mnemonics to Hexadecimal code, which is originally accepted by 8085 simulator kit.
- User can convert the Hexadecimal codes to corresponding Mnemonics.
3. The software have a Execution section, where user can have following facilities:
- User can execute all codes at a time.
- User can execute codes one by one to debug the program.
4. The software have a Output interface, where user will find:
- T-states, Machine-cycles, Total time of execution.
- A display which will show the status of the flag registers.
- Data stored in the general purpose registers.
5.The software have a Output Port Interface, where user will find the following:
- There will be at most three ports to investigate the output of the port.
- User can see the output of the port through several visual displays.
- There will be also Seven-Segment-Display associated with a port, which will help user to examine the programs related to Seven-Segment-Display.
6. The software have an option to set the Clock frequency where user can execute the code at real time and also it will show the time needed for the execution at the output screen.
7. The software has a user-friendly interface which will consist of a click-n-generate code. This interface will help users who have less knowledge about the mnemonics for 8085.
8. The software can save the codes so that user can open the codes at a later time.
MicorProcessor 8085 Programs For Bsc-IT - Download
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